Monday, April 19, 2010


Sovereign Lord, over harvest and drought,
You speak life into being, and the stars form out of your mouth.

Your power is endless; forever You will reign!
You've called me your child, and You have numbered my days

until I will get to be near You,
until I will get to walk by Your side,
until I will finally touch Your hem,
until I will look in Your fiery eyes.

It's something like a window between me and You.
My heart is splitting because I can't reach through!

Oh, when will I get to be near You?
When will I get to walk by Your side?
When will I finally touch Your hem?
When will I look in Your fiery eyes?

You've called me Your child, and You have numbered my days.


Have you ever been jealous of the disciples?  Ever jealous of Lazarus?  Lately I've been jealous of Lazarus because he was actually Jesus' FRIEND.  He wasn't a disciple.  He knew Jesus was divine... so did his sisters, Mary and Martha.  Lately I've just been jealous of these wonderful people who got to walk with and listen to the Lord.  I'm not complaining about His Spirit being with us.  I'm SO grateful that He is constantly near, but I'm a physical person as WELL as spiritual.  And I crave the physical Lord as WELL as the spiritual... version.  ?

You know that woman who got healed by grabbing the tassel of his prayer shawl?  Some versions of Scripture say His hem.  She knew He was the Messiah.  That's why she had faith to touch it.  I wish I could have been her, or even been near her when that happened. 

I have this strange homesickness... I've had it for awhile.  No matter where I am, Elgin or Longview, I go through lengths of time when I feel sick to my stomach about being here on Earth.  Right now I'm going through it, so I wrote this song this weekend.  I'm not interested whatsoever in ending my life, but I'm ready to go when He says it's time. 

That's all.


  1.       I love it.  You have a melody for it? 
    We're studying Judges, and in chapter 4, verse 11 says "Now Heber... had separated himself from the Kenites and pitched his tent near the terebinth tree at Zaanaim" and I learned that tree is like the oak, and it grows very large and shady.  I love that mental picture of resting under that huge tree, and that is where I would like to share time with Jesus.  Pretty much wonderful, huh?! 

  2. #2: Uh oh.  Dictionary: "A small Mediterranean tree (Pistacia terebinthus) that is a source of tanning material and turpentine."  Okay, I guess I'll head for an oak tree instead!

  3. I found you, Sister! I like this blog. How cool!!! You are such the cute little lady. And I miss you. Did you write the poetry? If you did, I think you and I wrote some pretty good "sayings" that were almost like Dr. Seuss... I wonder if you'd be able to publish any of those on here? Oh. Okay. Never mind.
