Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Matchstick fire
sulfur strike
ignite and spread
so alive
     so alive

Cooling embers
soft drizzle
sizzle, hiss
smoke and ash
      smoke and ash

    Eager, but not willing
    conformed, and not transforming
    pursued, but now ignoring
    and all the while...

Stomach tight
groaning sigh
parched and dry
hunger pains
     won't go away

Candy clutches
salt water
in a glass
can't escape
     true hunger pains

    Eager, but not willing
    conformed, and not transforming
    pursued, but now ignoring 
    and all the while...

Matchstick fire
sulfur strike
ignite and spread
so alive
     so alive

"Lukewarm" is a song I wrote several months ago as I was reflecting on what I was like before I was a disciple.  Certain things would excite me about the Lord, but I wasn't willing to sacrifice my life for what God desired.  I was like the match.  As I was reflecting I suddenly started to weep; I realized that I am susceptable to falling away from my Savior, and I couldn't imagine ever doing that.  He promised me, though, that I am in his grip, and no one can snatch me out of His hand.

Then I cried for those who are not yet in His hand.  The people who say they are believers, but they are not transformed, and they have tuned out the Holy Spirit in order to live their lives as they see fit, as a child who eats candy as he pleases, and when he finds himself thirsty, he drinks whatever is available... even if it's saltwater!  So many Americans live like this, but say they are following Christ.  Then I began jotting down the words above.

Matt and I have grown very passionate about this particular topic, and whenever I ask Matt to "make a request or dedication," when I sit down at the piano, he ALWAYS chooses this one.  Thought I'd share it with you.  Perhaps the melody will come in the future.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing. I have a feeling I will be writing that some more...
