Friday, July 8, 2011

No Title Yet!

I'm getting help with the title... This song is one of my first very, very positive songs!!!  :)  Upbeat-ish, and hopeful.  Woo-hoo!  Three cheers for hope! 

I know it reads awkwardly, but the melody I'll have to share soon.  It'll make more sense then!  I'd love feedback!  Any changes???  This one's pretty fresh and new!

I open up my weary eyes,
and I part the shades.
Covering the ground I see the blooms
where the winter snow has laid.

There's a quiet tune inside my soul---
I hold to it fast
When the night looms dark and silent
I know this song of mine will last.

Though my feet might slow, & the wind might burn
Forward I'll still run;
This race is just a short while,
And I've just begun.

My armor is in place
As I fall to my knees
There's no triumph in my strength at all,
And here approach my enemies.
I can hear their battle cry,
But Your banner's over me.
Though they attack, my wounds might sting,
But they'll find no victory.

I open up my weary eyes
And I part the shades.
Covering the ground I see the blooms
Where the winter... where the winter snow has laid.

- - - - - - - -

Lots of things contributed to writing this one... you can maybe tell.  Physical and spiritual.  :)  One cool thing was learning Jehovah Nissi... God is my banner.  I decided that this is one of my favorite names for the Lord right now... it's referred to in the last bit.  :) 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Comrade

Last night while going to bed, I told Matt about a friend of mine who thinks I'm very strange.  I told him how whenever I tell her what I'm REALLY thinking, she laughs and says, "You're so weird."

His response?  He said, "Molly, you ARE weird!"

I guess since I've been married I never thought I was a different kind of person.  I remember high school and college when I felt like I didn't match the color scheme of the other students, and though I don't necessarily MATCH other colors, I was always sure Matt "got" me, and even that we both were similar.  But last night he told me that he, basically, doesn't get me.  He said I think, act and feel differently about the world around me than anyone else he knows.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.  He told me it wasn't bad, but he thinks I'm weird, too.  Maybe because he didn't ever disagree with my thoughts, I assumed he agreed.  I feel very confused now.  I thought I had a comrade.  Maybe I do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Bridge

I've been pushed to the edge of a towering cliff
By the floods of torment in which I live.
I kept staring at my feet as forward I stepped,
And I nearly missed The Bridge.

- - - - - - - -- - - - -

This poem is just a little verse I wrote during church the other night... Ron was talking about how hard it is to have faith when we are only looking at ourselves in trials... we look at how we can muster up faith, and faith becomes an idol, instead of relying on God, and obeying what He says when we don't feel obedient. 

He painted a word picture of trials being so big that they push us to the edge of a cliff, and we are only looking at ourselves. 

I used HIS idea and made it rhyme.  :)

My Dream

I walked through the sands of the Bitter and Sweet,
I climbed up the mountain where I sat at Your feet,
And we stayed there for just awhile.

Now I search high and low to find You--- why did You go?
When will You come back, I'm desperate to know.
But I know You won't desert your child.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This song is based on a dream I had... one of the coolest dreams I've ever had, I must say.

It started with several tasks that I had to accomplish.  I did all these things, knowing I needed to get to the Cinnamon and Sugar farm at the end (go figure).  When I got to the farm (after all the rest of the items were crossed off the list), I stepped out of the car onto the cinnamon and sugar... it was like sand everywhere.  Harmony, a missionary here at TECH, met me wearing overalls.  She and I discussed the few questions we would have for Jesus if we could just talk to Him. 

We decided it was time, so she said goodbye to me, and I headed across the fields of cinnamon and sugar.  I climbed up this mountain, still made of the sandy mixture, and I sat down, Indian-style.  Suddenly Jesus appeared--- He was lit up, like there were fluorescent lights shooting out of Him... but more like a diamond under light because all colors of the rainbow were reflecting off of Him... It was crazy!

I just stared.  He waited, looking at me with a knowing smile on His face. 

I stared for awhile longer... then He was gone.

I ran down the mountain, across the field and back to Harmony.  She asked what He said. I admitted that I actually couldn't think of anything to ask Him... but that I could if I had a second chance.  She agreed that we should try all of this again.

So, believe it or not, I actually recounted to her my entire adventure before arriving at the Cinnamon and Sugar farm, and we decided I needed to do it all again. 

Hahaha!!!  So I began my dream from the start.  I went to all of the same places, found the same people, said the same things, then drove out to Harmony's farm.  She said, "Are you ready this time?"  I said yes. 

I walked across the sand, up the mountain, and I sat down.  Jesus appeared AGAIN!  The same way!  I was overwhelmed by the light and color and... HIM, that I couldn't say anything... again.

I came down the mountain after He'd left.  I walked up to Harmony, and I said, "I couldn't think of anything to say."

She said, "Maybe those questions just aren't important when you're face to face with Him."

Then I woke up.

All week, since that happened a week ago, I've been expectant.  I keep thinking Jesus is close by... I was at church Friday preparing for worship, and I heard a sound.  I felt so foolish when I realized it wasn't Jesus, and I had mentally prepared myself for Him to be coming in.  I wish it would be soon...

I guess I just miss Him.  Pretty soon...


These four walls I don't call "home,"
'Cause I'm a traveler here.

These four walls I don't call "home,"
'Cause I'm a traveler here.

People might invite me in
'til they know who I am.
I'll invite them to travel with me,
But they wanna stay where they live.


Can't get settled living out of a bag---
It makes me long for my Home.
Some I meet say they're travelers, too,
But they never get up and go.



I was driving to church when I saw these two people about my age--- dirty and dark from the sun--- and the man held a sign that said something at the top (I couldn't read it fast enough), and at the bottom it said, "Traveling."

I ended up pulling over and talking to them for awhile.  They gave me the names Alyssa and Popeye, and they also gave me inspiration for this song.  At church I sat down and put this song together with only the first verse.  I added the second verse at home when I finally found some clean underwear in a bag we'd packed when moving into our house... we're still living out of bags!  So... there ya' go!  Traveler.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Near Me

I've seen the sun shine---
Many sunny days,
And I've watched the storms roll in.
Yeah, and I've felt the rain.

But, hey, You're here beside me!
Your arms around me, guiding.
I won't despair; 
I won't fear;
I'll just call out 'cause You're here!

Yeah, You are near me.
You are near me.
You are near me... I'm never alone.

In a world of Hurt,
people filled with pain,
We find our hope in You, Lord,
Though the trials may stay.

Jesus, You're all I want.
You never promised an easy life:
Some days I'll still see the sun,
But some days I know it will hide.

I wrote this song while feeling my sister's hurt after the adoption of a sweet baby girl did not go through.  I'm hoping to record this soon to share...  It has a lot of musical elements and might take awhile to record, so I'm intimidated to begin the process... we'll see! 

I sometimes do very nerdy things... for my OWN benefit, I underlined a few verbs... ignore it if it's distracting you... or just enjoy being distracted for the moment!  ?

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Quiet recorded

Here's the song recorded quickly tonight for ya'.  :)

The Quiet

Ah, if I could hear Your voice
Just one more time, if I had a choice,
I'd ask to hear You sing.

Oh, to hear the Majesty
atop, even, the tallest tree!
I'd just awe, listening.

But I see You remain silent.
So I'll wait in the quiet.


That's all I have of this song.  I don't think there's anymore to it... not sure.  I just wrote it a week and a half ago. When I say these words in private with God, they make me cry, though I'm well-aware that they might be absolutely frivolous to someone else.  :)

I heard Him once.  It was while I was at Judson.  I was asleep, and I awoke so my dad calling my name.  I ran to the doorway and said, "What?"

My dad was awake downstairs, and he said he didn't call me.

I went back to bed because it was well before time to get up.

I woke up to my name being called.  It was my dad, so I went to the doorway and hollered back.  I actually had to call twice because he was listening to the radio pretty loudly.  He said he hadn't called me.

I went back to bed. My heart was racing, because it felt strange to be awaken by a pretend thing... I thought that maybe I was dreaming about him calling me or something.  I couldn't fall back asleep, and I heard it one last time.  I stood at the edge of the stairs, know my dad would call again if he did in the first place... He hadn't been the one who audibly said my name.

That day at Judson, in chapel, there was a guest performer.  I don't have any idea who he was.  He played the piano for us and sang some original songs.  I remember I was sitting next to Matt in the balcony with his friends... I remember hating sitting up there...

And the man started the first of his songs whispering into the microphone, "Samuel...


He played a little and said it again.

I remembered suddenly the strange events of the morning, and I wept.

That evening of the strange morning and the chapel guest, I told Matt how I had woken up.  I don't know if I've ever told anyone else the entire story, this being one third of it, but I had a chance to hear God's voice, and I'm convinced of it.  I just wish I knew what was happening at the time.

Now I would give anything to hear it again.  I will hear it again.  I just don't know when.

Sometimes I wonder what it means when the Bible says He sings over us.  Did you ever wonder that?  This song was formed out of a desire to hear Him again, and the curiosity of what it sounds like when He sings over us.

"Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight!"