Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No Name Yet...

Some extra cash this week as I tithe,
and I think it's sacrifice.

But how can I talk of sacrifice
when You gave up Your throne and Your life?

This is my one request:
that You would not let me forget.

Everywhere I go I pray You'd protect me, Lord
and keep me from all harm,

But then on the other side, as I sing martyrs die,
and You've kept them close in Your arms.

This is my one request:
that You would not let me forget.
This is my one request:
that You would not let my comforts let me forget.

The candle burns; the wind it blows, and I'm afraid it will go out.
But still it burns, weak as it is. Lord, please, strengthen the flame with Your power.

This is my one request:
that You would not let Your church forget.
This is my one request:
that You would not let our comforts let us forget.

The candle burns; the wind it blows, and I'm afraid it will go out.

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I'm so young that I really don't know what phases are vs. real passions/convictions. Right now I might just be in a phase where I think that the American Church--- in general--- misrepresents what Jesus ever said, what He did. I see these tendencies in me, where I want to believe that it is enough to live comfortably and say that I gave everything. Autumn is coming, and I want to decorate the house--- maybe even just a wreath on the door--- but is that what I should spend my money on? How did it come to be that these things are so important to me? To Americans? I am really struggling. This song was written while I was doing some introspection and reflection. I don't think, at least at this point in my life, that living comfortably--- the American Dream--- is in anyway what Christ intended.

Maybe this phase will pass.